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change ringing造句

"change ringing"是什么意思  
  • The tower contains a ring of six bells hung for change ringing.
  • This development made possible orderly ringing in patterns known as change ringing.
  • The tower holds a ring of eight bells hung for change ringing.
  • The bells were refurbished in 2006 and restored to full change ringing.
  • The tower holds a ring of eight bells, hung for change ringing.
  • The bells in its bell tower are regularly utilized for change ringing.
  • The tower has a peal of 6 bells hung for change ringing.
  • The first broadcast of church bells change ringing was of St Martin's.
  • The tower contains a peal of ten bells hung for change ringing.
  • Change ringing of bells also forms an important part of the novel.
  • It's difficult to see change ringing in a sentence. 用change ringing造句挺难的
  • St Michael's has a ring of six bells hung for change ringing.
  • The church also has a ring of eight bells hung for change ringing.
  • The tower contains 15 bells designed for full-circle English-Style change ringing.
  • The original meaning is still in use today in call-change ringing.
  • The church enjoys regular bell ringing organised by Worcestershire & Districts Change Ringing Association.
  • They play slowly moving tunes, not the continuous change ringing of the English tradition.
  • The centuries-old method of " change ringing, " is still widely used in England.
  • The tower contains a peal of 10 change ringing bells.
  • With British settlement, change ringing came to North America.
  • And by the 1880s, St Patrick's Cathedral became the leading tower for Australian change ringing.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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